using phi35 to send automatic reports of your engineering work daily based on your screen activity

ever wished your engineering logs wrote themselves? with screenpipe and phi3.5, they can. let’s dive into how you can set up an automated system that captures your work and logs it to notion.
what’s screenpipe?
screenpipe is an open-source tool that captures your screen and audio 24/7. it’s like a black box for your computer, enabling you to build personalized ai powered by what you’ve seen, said, or heard.
the phi3.5 engineering team logs pipe
in screenpipe there is a plugin system called “pipe” which lets you extend your 24/7 screens & mics recording in typescript, which runs into the lib using Deno runtime.
this pipe uses screenpipe’s data to automatically generate engineering logs and sync them to notion. here’s how to set it up:
1. install screenpipe: clone the repo and set up screenpipe.
2. set up ollama: install ollama and run the phi3.5 model.
3. configure notion: create an integration and a database with the right properties.
4. set environment variables: add your notion api key and database id.
5. run the pipe: download and enable the pipe, then run screenpipe.
1. install screenpipe and git clone this repo
git clone
cd screenpipe
2. install and run ollama:
— follow instructions at
— run `ollama run phi3.5`
3. set up notion:
— create a notion integration:
— create a database with properties: Title, Description (rich text), Tags (multi-select), Date
— share database with your integration
4. set environment variables:
export SCREENPIPE_NOTION_API_KEY=your_notion_api_key
export SCREENPIPE_NOTION_DATABASE_ID=your_notion_database_id
5. run the pipe:
screenpipe pipe download ./examples/typescript/pipe-phi3.5-engineering-team-logs
screenpipe pipe enable phi3.5-engineering-team-logs
you should see things like this appearing in notion:

how it works
the pipe queries screenpipe for recent screen data, uses phi3.5 to generate a concise log entry, and syncs it to notion. it runs every minute, keeping your engineering logs up-to-date without any manual input.
you can easily tweak the pipe to fit your needs:
- adjust `INTERVAL` in pipe.ts to change logging frequency
- modify the prompt to refine ai output
why this matters
automating engineering logs saves time and ensures consistent documentation. it’s especially useful for:
- tracking progress on complex projects
- facilitating knowledge sharing in teams
- providing context for code reviews
- generating reports for stakeholders
screenpipe opens up a world of possibilities for automating and enhancing your workflow. the phi3.5 engineering team logs pipe is just one example of what’s possible.
ready to supercharge your productivity? give screenpipe a try and let your work speak for itself — literally.